Happy Holid-AI-s

December AI-th

Getting Started with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a creative thought partner that can help you brainstorm fun class activities, build lessons, and so much more! 

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New to ChatGPT? Watch this quick video to see how it works and get ideas for great prompts. 

We've come up with some fun holiday-themed ideas for you to get started with. For each idea, we've included a fill-in-the-blank prompt that you can copy and paste into ChatGPT, along with samples so you can see what ChatGPT might generate. 

Riddle Me Th-AI-t

Create fun holiday riddles for brain breaks or inspiration for your students to create their own.


I am a (enter grade level) teacher and I'd like your help writing winter themed riddles for my students.  I'd like the riddles to be challenging but fun. Students will have no longer than (enter time limit) to solve the riddle. Please make sure all content is appropriate for their grade level, and specific to the holiday season. Please provide the solutions for each riddle. 

Below are examples from using this prompt in ChatGPT.

Riddle: I fall from the sky in delicate flakes,

Covering the ground in a winter landscape.

Children rejoice when I come to play,

What am I?                                          

Solution: Snow

Riddle: I'm round and cold, a symbol of the season,

Thrown in battles or used for a reason.

Children build me in the snowy park,

What am I?                                     

Solution: Snowball

Riddle: I'm frozen water on a chilly day,

Laced up tight, gliding away.

On a pond or rink, you'll find me,

What am I?                                    

Solution: Ice skates

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AI Got Some Facts for You

Foster great classroom discussions with these holiday and winter facts and guiding questions. 

I am a (grade level) teacher who would like to share some fun holiday and winter facts with my students. I would like these facts peak their interests and promote great class discussions. Will you please provide guiding questions with each fact to promote engagement for the class discussion? 

Below are examples from using this prompt in ChatGPT.

Holiday Traditions Around the World:

The Science of Snowflakes:

Animal Adaptations in Winter:

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Click the animations on the left to grab templates for your students and get started bringing joy to your classroom today.

No Problem Word Problems

Raise engagement by changing your real world problems to be holiday or winter themed. 


Can you please help me create five winter and holiday themed word problems for my (grade level and subject) students. We are currently learning to (copy and paste the exact verbage from your TEKS). Please provide the solutions to each problem. 

Below are examples from using this prompt in ChatGPT.

Math: Gift Wrapping

Samantha is wrapping rectangular gift boxes for her friends. The length of the gift box is 10 inches, and the width is 6 inches. What is the area of the wrapping paper needed for one gift box?

Reading: "The Snowman's Tale"

Read the following passage and determine the author's purpose:

"In the quiet, snowy night, a lonely snowman stood in the backyard. He watched as children played in the snow, and he longed to join in the fun. The author describes the snowman's feelings and observations in a poetic manner, conveying a sense of yearning and nostalgia." (summary of passage)

Question: What is the author's purpose in describing the snowman's perspective?

Science: Christmas Tree Ecosystem


Imagine a Christmas tree farm as a small ecosystem. How might the competition among trees for sunlight and nutrients affect their growth?

Social Studies: Colonial Snowfall

In the winter of 1620, the Pilgrims faced a harsh snowfall in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Describe how this severe weather might have affected their early attempts at colonization. What strategies could they have employed to overcome these challenges?

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Festive Attendance Questions

Asking quirky attendance questions not only adds a dash of fun to the classroom routine but also helps students feel more connected, turning a mundane task into memorable moments.  The only issue with attendance questions?  It can be hard to think of a new one every day.  Luckily, ChatGPT can help!  Check out the fun attendance questions it helped us with:


I'm a (insert grade level) teacher.  Could you please help me think of some festive attendance questions appropriate for their grade level and fun for the holiday season?  Each question should be able to be answered with one or two words.